* Listing controller.
* @package HivePress\Controllers
namespace HivePress\Controllers;
use HivePress\Helpers as hp;
use HivePress\Models;
use HivePress\Forms;
use HivePress\Blocks;
use HivePress\Emails;
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Manages listings.
final class Listing extends Controller {
* Class constructor.
* @param array $args Controller arguments.
public function __construct( $args = [] ) {
$args = hp\merge_arrays(
'routes' => [
'listings_resource' => [
'path' => '/listings',
'method' => 'GET',
'action' => [ $this, 'get_listings' ],
'rest' => true,
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="listing_id",
* description="Listing ID.",
* in="path",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(type="integer"),
* ),
'listing_resource' => [
'base' => 'listings_resource',
'path' => '/(?P<listing_id>\d+)',
'rest' => true,
* @OA\Post(
* path="/listings/{listing_id}",
* summary="Update a listing",
* description="In addition to the default listing fields, you can also update custom fields added via the listing attributes or HivePress extensions.",
* tags={"Listings"},
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/listing_id"),
* @OA\RequestBody(@OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Listing")),
* @OA\Response(response="200", description="")
* )
'listing_update_action' => [
'base' => 'listing_resource',
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => [ $this, 'update_listing' ],
'rest' => true,
* @OA\Post(
* path="/listings/{listing_id}/hide",
* summary="Hide a listing",
* description="Each new request hides or unhides a listing.",
* tags={"Listings"},
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/listing_id"),
* @OA\Response(response="200", description="")
* )
'listing_hide_action' => [
'base' => 'listing_resource',
'path' => '/hide',
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => [ $this, 'hide_listing' ],
'rest' => true,
* @OA\Post(
* path="/listings/{listing_id}/report",
* summary="Report a listing",
* description="Sends an email to the site administrator.",
* tags={"Listings"},
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/listing_id"),
* @OA\RequestBody(
* @OA\JsonContent(
* @OA\Property(property="details", type="string", description="Report details.")
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(response="200", description="")
* )
'listing_report_action' => [
'base' => 'listing_resource',
'path' => '/report',
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => [ $this, 'report_listing' ],
'rest' => true,
* @OA\Delete(
* path="/listings/{listing_id}",
* summary="Delete a listing",
* tags={"Listings"},
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/listing_id"),
* @OA\Response(response="204", description="")
* )
'listing_delete_action' => [
'base' => 'listing_resource',
'method' => 'DELETE',
'action' => [ $this, 'delete_listing' ],
'rest' => true,
'listings_view_page' => [
'url' => [ $this, 'get_listings_view_url' ],
'match' => [ $this, 'is_listings_view_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listings_view_page' ],
'redirect' => [
'callback' => [ $this, 'redirect_listings_view_page' ],
'_order' => 5,
'listing_view_page' => [
'url' => [ $this, 'get_listing_view_url' ],
'match' => [ $this, 'is_listing_view_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_view_page' ],
'redirect' => [
'callback' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_view_page' ],
'_order' => 5,
'listings_edit_page' => [
'title' => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'listings' ),
'base' => 'user_account_page',
'path' => '/listings',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listings_edit_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listings_edit_page' ],
'paginated' => true,
'listing_edit_page' => [
'base' => 'listings_edit_page',
'path' => '/(?P<listing_id>\d+)',
'title' => [ $this, 'get_listing_edit_title' ],
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_edit_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_edit_page' ],
'listing_submit_page' => [
'path' => '/submit-listing',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_submit_page' ],
// @deprecated since version 1.3.0.
'listing/submit_listing' => [
'base' => 'listing_submit_page',
'listing_submit_profile_page' => [
'title' => esc_html_x( 'Complete Profile', 'imperative', 'hivepress' ),
'base' => 'listing_submit_page',
'path' => '/profile',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_submit_profile_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_submit_profile_page' ],
'listing_submit_category_page' => [
'title' => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'select_category_imperative' ),
'base' => 'listing_submit_page',
'path' => '/category/?(?P<listing_category_id>\d+)?',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_submit_category_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_submit_category_page' ],
'listing_submit_details_page' => [
'title' => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'add_details_imperative' ),
'base' => 'listing_submit_page',
'path' => '/details',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_submit_details_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_submit_details_page' ],
'listing_submit_complete_page' => [
'title' => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'listing_submitted' ),
'base' => 'listing_submit_page',
'path' => '/complete',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_submit_complete_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_submit_complete_page' ],
'listing_renew_page' => [
'base' => 'listing_edit_page',
'path' => '/renew',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_renew_page' ],
'listing_renew_complete_page' => [
'title' => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'listing_renewed' ),
'base' => 'listing_renew_page',
'path' => '/complete',
'redirect' => [ $this, 'redirect_listing_renew_complete_page' ],
'action' => [ $this, 'render_listing_renew_complete_page' ],
'listing_category_view_page' => [
'url' => [ $this, 'get_listing_category_view_url' ],
parent::__construct( $args );
* Gets listings.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request API request.
* @return WP_Rest_Response
public function get_listings( $request ) {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 401 );
// Check permissions.
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 403 );
// Get search query.
$query = sanitize_text_field( $request->get_param( 'search' ) );
if ( strlen( $query ) < 3 ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400 );
// Get listings.
$listings = Models\Listing::query()->filter(
'status' => 'publish',
)->search( $query )
->limit( 20 )
// Get results.
$results = [];
if ( $request->get_param( 'context' ) === 'list' ) {
foreach ( $listings as $listing ) {
$results[] = [
'id' => $listing->get_id(),
'text' => $listing->get_title(),
return hp\rest_response( 200, $results );
* Updates listing.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request API request.
* @return WP_Rest_Response
public function update_listing( $request ) {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 401 );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( $request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
if ( empty( $listing ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 404 );
// Check permissions.
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) && ( get_current_user_id() !== $listing->get_user__id() || ! in_array( $listing->get_status(), [ 'auto-draft', 'draft', 'publish' ], true ) ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 403 );
// Validate form.
$form = null;
if ( $listing->get_status() === 'auto-draft' ) {
$form = new Forms\Listing_Submit( [ 'model' => $listing ] );
} else {
$form = new Forms\Listing_Update( [ 'model' => $listing ] );
$form->set_values( $request->get_params() );
if ( ! $form->validate() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400, $form->get_errors() );
// Get attributes.
$attributes = [];
if ( $listing->get_status() !== 'auto-draft' ) {
foreach ( $form->get_fields() as $field ) {
if ( hp\get_array_value( $field->get_args(), '_moderated' ) ) {
$value = call_user_func( [ $listing, 'get_' . $field->get_name() ] );
if ( $field->get_value() !== $value ) {
$attributes[] = $field->get_label();
// Set values.
$listing->fill( $form->get_values() );
if ( $attributes ) {
// Set status.
$listing->set_status( 'pending' );
// Send email.
( new Emails\Listing_Update(
'recipient' => get_option( 'admin_email' ),
'tokens' => [
'listing_title' => $listing->get_title(),
'listing_attributes' => implode( ', ', $attributes ),
'listing_url' => hivepress()->router->get_admin_url( 'post', $listing->get_id() ),
'listing' => $listing,
'user' => hivepress()->request->get_user(),
) )->send();
if ( ! $listing->save() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400, $listing->_get_errors() );
// Get code.
$code = 200;
if ( $attributes ) {
$code = 307;
return hp\rest_response(
'id' => $listing->get_id(),
* Hides listing.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request API request.
* @return WP_Rest_Response
public function hide_listing( $request ) {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 401 );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( $request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
if ( empty( $listing ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 404 );
if ( get_current_user_id() !== $listing->get_user__id() || ! in_array( $listing->get_status(), [ 'draft', 'publish' ], true ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400 );
if ( $listing->get_status() === 'draft' && $listing->get_expired_time() && $listing->get_expired_time() < time() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400 );
// Update status.
if ( $listing->get_status() === 'draft' ) {
$listing->set_status( 'publish' );
} else {
$listing->set_status( 'draft' );
return hp\rest_response(
'id' => $listing->get_id(),
* Reports listing.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request API request.
* @return WP_Rest_Response
public function report_listing( $request ) {
// Check permissions.
if ( ! get_option( 'hp_listing_enable_reporting', true ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 403 );
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 401 );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( $request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
if ( empty( $listing ) || $listing->get_status() !== 'publish' ) {
return hp\rest_error( 404 );
// Validate form.
$form = ( new Forms\Listing_Report() )->set_values( $request->get_params() );
if ( ! $form->validate() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400, $form->get_errors() );
// Send email.
( new Emails\Listing_Report(
'recipient' => get_option( 'admin_email' ),
'tokens' => [
'listing_title' => $listing->get_title(),
'listing_url' => get_permalink( $listing->get_id() ),
'report_details' => $form->get_value( 'details' ),
'listing' => $listing,
'user' => hivepress()->request->get_user(),
) )->send();
return hp\rest_response(
'id' => $listing->get_id(),
* Deletes listing.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request API request.
* @return WP_Rest_Response
public function delete_listing( $request ) {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 401 );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( $request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
if ( empty( $listing ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 404 );
// Check permissions.
if ( ! current_user_can( 'delete_others_posts' ) && ( get_current_user_id() !== $listing->get_user__id() || ! in_array( $listing->get_status(), [ 'auto-draft', 'draft', 'publish' ], true ) ) ) {
return hp\rest_error( 403 );
// Delete listing.
if ( ! $listing->trash() ) {
return hp\rest_error( 400 );
return hp\rest_response( 204 );
* Gets listings view URL.
* @param array $params URL parameters.
* @return string
public function get_listings_view_url( $params ) {
return get_post_type_archive_link( 'hp_listing' );
* Matches listings view URL.
* @return bool
public function is_listings_view_page() {
// Get page ID.
$page_id = absint( get_option( 'hp_page_listings' ) );
return ( $page_id && is_page( $page_id ) ) || is_post_type_archive( 'hp_listing' ) || ( is_tax() && strpos( get_queried_object()->taxonomy, 'hp_listing_' ) === 0 );
* Redirects listings view page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listings_view_page() {
// Get category.
$category = null;
$category_id = is_tax() ? get_queried_object_id() : absint( hp\get_array_value( $_GET, '_category' ) );
if ( $category_id ) {
$category = Models\Listing_Category::query()->get_by_id( $category_id );
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing_category', $category );
return false;
* Renders listings view page.
* @return string
public function render_listings_view_page() {
// Get category.
$category = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing_category' );
if ( ( ( is_page() || ( empty( $category ) && is_post_type_archive() ) ) && get_option( 'hp_page_listings_display_categories' ) ) || ( $category && get_term_meta( $category->get_id(), 'hp_display_subcategories', true ) ) ) {
// Render categories.
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_categories_view_page',
'context' => [
'listing_category' => $category,
) )->render();
} else {
if ( is_page() ) {
// Get featured IDs.
if ( get_option( 'hp_listings_featured_per_page' ) ) {
'status' => 'publish',
'featured' => true,
)->order( 'random' )
->limit( get_option( 'hp_listings_featured_per_page' ) )
// Query listings.
'status' => 'publish',
'id__not_in' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'featured_ids', [] ),
)->order( [ 'created_date' => 'desc' ] )
->limit( get_option( 'hp_listings_per_page' ) )
->paginate( hivepress()->request->get_page_number() )
// Render listings.
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listings_view_page',
'context' => [
'listing_category' => $category,
'listings' => [],
) )->render();
* Gets listing view URL.
* @param array $params URL parameters.
* @return string
public function get_listing_view_url( $params ) {
return get_permalink( hp\get_array_value( $params, 'listing_id' ) );
* Matches listing view URL.
* @return bool
public function is_listing_view_page() {
return is_singular( 'hp_listing' );
* Redirects listing view page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_view_page() {
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( get_post() );
// @todo replace temporary fix.
// Get vendor.
$vendor = $listing->get_vendor();
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing', $listing );
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'vendor', $vendor );
return false;
* Renders listing view page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_view_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_view_page',
'context' => [
'listing' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' ),
'vendor' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'vendor' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listings edit page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listings_edit_page() {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_return_url( 'user_login_page' );
// Check listings.
if ( ! hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing_count' ) ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_url( 'user_account_page' );
return false;
* Renders listings edit page.
* @return string
public function render_listings_edit_page() {
// Query listings.
'status__in' => [ 'draft', 'pending', 'publish' ],
'user' => get_current_user_id(),
)->order( [ 'created_date' => 'desc' ] )
->limit( 20 )
->paginate( hivepress()->request->get_page_number() )
// Render template.
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listings_edit_page',
'context' => [
'listings' => [],
) )->render();
* Gets listing edit title.
* @return string
public function get_listing_edit_title() {
$title = null;
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( hivepress()->request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
// Set title.
if ( $listing ) {
$title = $listing->get_title();
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing', $listing );
return $title;
* Redirects listing edit page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_edit_page() {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_return_url( 'user_login_page' );
// Check listing.
$listing = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' );
if ( empty( $listing ) || get_current_user_id() !== $listing->get_user__id() || ! in_array( $listing->get_status(), [ 'draft', 'publish' ], true ) ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_url( 'listings_edit_page' );
return false;
* Renders listing edit page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_edit_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_edit_page',
'context' => [
'listing' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listing submit page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_submit_page() {
// Check permissions.
if ( ! get_option( 'hp_listing_enable_submission' ) ) {
return home_url();
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_return_url( 'user_login_page' );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->filter(
'status' => 'auto-draft',
'drafted' => true,
'user' => get_current_user_id(),
if ( empty( $listing ) ) {
// Add listing.
$listing = ( new Models\Listing() )->fill(
'status' => 'auto-draft',
'drafted' => true,
'user' => get_current_user_id(),
if ( ! $listing->save( [ 'status', 'drafted', 'user' ] ) ) {
return home_url();
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing', $listing );
return true;
* Redirects listing submit profile page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_submit_profile_page() {
// Get vendor.
$vendor = Models\Vendor::query()->filter(
'status' => [ 'auto-draft', 'draft', 'publish' ],
'user' => get_current_user_id(),
if ( ! $vendor ) {
// Get user.
$user = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'user' );
// Add vendor.
$vendor = ( new Models\Vendor() )->fill(
'name' => $user->get_display_name(),
'description' => $user->get_description(),
'slug' => $user->get_username(),
'status' => 'auto-draft',
'image' => $user->get_image__id(),
'user' => $user->get_id(),
if ( ! $vendor->save(
) ) {
return home_url();
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'vendor', $vendor );
// Check vendor.
if ( $vendor->validate() ) {
return true;
return false;
* Renders listing submit profile page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_submit_profile_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_submit_profile_page',
'context' => [
'vendor' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'vendor' ),
'user' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'user' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listing submit category page.
* @deprecated since version 1.6.4.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_submit_category_page() {
// Redirect page.
if ( ! has_filter( 'hivepress/v1/templates/listing_submit_category_page' ) && ! has_filter( 'hivepress/v1/templates/listing_submit_category_page/blocks' ) ) {
return true;
// Check categories.
if ( ! Models\Listing_Category::query()->get_first_id() ) {
return true;
// Get listing.
$listing = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' );
if ( hivepress()->request->get_param( 'listing_category_id' ) ) {
// Get category.
$category = Models\Listing_Category::query()->get_by_id( hivepress()->request->get_param( 'listing_category_id' ) );
if ( empty( $category ) ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_url( 'listing_submit_category_page' );
if ( ! $category->get_children__id() ) {
// Set listing category.
$listing->set_categories( $category->get_id() )->save_categories();
return true;
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing_category', $category );
// Check category.
if ( $listing->get_categories__id() ) {
return false;
* Renders listing submit category page.
* @deprecated since version 1.6.4.
* @return string
public function render_listing_submit_category_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_submit_category_page',
'context' => [
'listing_category' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing_category' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listing submit details page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_submit_details_page() {
// Get listing.
$listing = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' );
// @todo replace temporary fix.
// Check redirect.
// @todo remove temporary fix.
if ( isset( $_GET['redirect'] ) ) {
wp_set_post_terms( $listing->get_id(), [], 'hp_listing_category' );
return hivepress()->router->get_url( 'listing_submit_details_page' );
// Check listing.
if ( $listing->validate() ) {
return true;
return false;
* Renders listing submit details page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_submit_details_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_submit_details_page',
'context' => [
'listing' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listing submit complete page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_submit_complete_page() {
// Get listing.
$listing = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' );
// Get status.
$status = get_option( 'hp_listing_enable_moderation' ) ? 'pending' : 'publish';
// Update listing.
'status' => $status,
'drafted' => null,
)->save( [ 'status', 'drafted' ] );
// Get vendor.
$vendor = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'vendor' );
// Update vendor.
if ( 'pending' === $status && $vendor->get_status() === 'auto-draft' ) {
$vendor->set_status( 'draft' )->save_status();
// Send email.
( new Emails\Listing_Submit(
'recipient' => get_option( 'admin_email' ),
'tokens' => [
'listing_title' => $listing->get_title(),
'listing_url' => 'publish' === $status ? get_permalink( $listing->get_id() ) : get_preview_post_link( $listing->get_id() ),
'listing' => $listing,
'user' => hivepress()->request->get_user(),
) )->send();
if ( 'publish' === $status ) {
return get_permalink( $listing->get_id() );
return false;
* Renders listing submit complete page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_submit_complete_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_submit_complete_page',
'context' => [
'listing' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' ),
) )->render();
* Redirects listing renew page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_renew_page() {
// Check authentication.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return hivepress()->router->get_return_url( 'user_login_page' );
// Get listing.
$listing = Models\Listing::query()->get_by_id( hivepress()->request->get_param( 'listing_id' ) );
if ( empty( $listing ) || get_current_user_id() !== $listing->get_user__id() || $listing->get_status() !== 'draft' || ! $listing->get_expired_time() || $listing->get_expired_time() > time() ) {
return home_url();
// Set request context.
hivepress()->request->set_context( 'listing', $listing );
return true;
* Redirects listing renew complete page.
* @return mixed
public function redirect_listing_renew_complete_page() {
// Get listing.
$listing = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' );
// Get date.
$date = current_time( 'mysql' );
// Update listing.
'status' => 'publish',
'created_date' => $date,
'created_date_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date( $date ),
'expired_time' => null,
return false;
* Renders listing renew complete page.
* @return string
public function render_listing_renew_complete_page() {
return ( new Blocks\Template(
'template' => 'listing_renew_complete_page',
'context' => [
'listing' => hivepress()->request->get_context( 'listing' ),
) )->render();
* Gets listing category view URL.
* @param array $params URL parameters.
* @return string
public function get_listing_category_view_url( $params ) {
return get_term_link( hp\get_array_value( $params, 'listing_category_id' ) );